When it comes to advice about almost ANYTHING, most people will turn to their father. From check engine lights to a leaky faucet, Dads can handle it all. Dads support us, guide us, and protect us.
It comes as no surprise that as young men begin to settle down, they begin to realize that they will someday be the “Dad” handing down all their knowledge to their children. But, they will need to hand down much more than that. That’s where a sound wealth management plan becomes necessary.
Is wealth really just dollars and cents? Think about it as much more than that.
There are three components to overall Wealth Management : protecting your wealth, acquiring your wealth, and transferring your wealth.
Most people acquire their wealth through your income earned. That income can be in the form of your paycheck or through capital gains, dividends or interest made from your savings and investments. But, what if your income were suddenly disrupted because of an unforeseen injury or catastrophic event?
That is why wealth protection becomes so important.
You should protect the wealth you have acquired. One way to protect your assets and your income is through proper insurance policies – like Property & Casualty, Life and Disability. For example, let’s say that you are a surgeon and something happened to your hands that prevented you from performing surgery (either temporarily or permanently). You should have a safeguard in place to provide a means to still receive money from all that lost income. You should have a disability insurance policy or other wealth protection mechanisms in place to protect that wealth.
Similarly, having a life insurance policy allows your family to continue to acquire wealth after the event of your death. You may not be here to provide, but your well-thought-out policy will.
You transfer your wealth with a detailed estate plan which will lessen any tax burdens on your loved ones. This plan helps with personal decisions – end of life directives, wills, etc – along with financial ones as well.
Clearly, your wealth involves so much more when you begin to realize all that you are worth.
So, begin to take all the necessary steps to properly Protect, Acquire and Transfer your wealth throughout the many stages of your financial life by speaking with us. We encourage a dialog as an essential component to our relationship with our clients. We can only begin to understand your unique journey with a CONVERSATION.
- Where are you right now?
- What are your hopes and goals?
- Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten?
- What keeps you up at night?
- What are some of the questions you’ve always wanted to ask about finance, but were too afraid?
- What overwhelms you?
- When would you like to retire?
- What kind of budget do you foresee in retirement?
Do you fully understand all of the financial vehicles that you currently use?
Through a short conversation, we may uncover some financial shortcomings that may help secure your financial future.
And, just like Dad, we too can offer advice, provide support and help you protect your wealth. But we’ll leave the check engine lights and leaky faucets to him!!
We hope you enjoy the video of Mark Salerno discussing true wealth management….
To all of our fathers, we wish you the best Father’s Day!